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As an artist educated in the manner of the great masters of Europe, I am an award winning educational professional with a background in illustration and graphic design. My work reflects a lifetime of developing skills in both academia and private industry. I have a teaching degree from Kutztown University, an associate degree from a community college, a Bachelor of Science from Moore College of Art& Design, and a double Masters from Villanova University in Liberal Studies and International Relations and Comparative Government. Currently, I am illustrating a childrens' book for a former college professor. Much of my work is done in the pastel medium. I have worked in charcoal, pen and ink, oil. airbrush. computer graphics and will combine mediums.


In 2007, I was part of an international team of scholars who collaborated on the design and construction of a web site describing the history, geography, culture and political make-up of the five Central Asian states of kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.


I have been happily married for 30+ years and have a keen interest in dedicating my life to teaching and protecting our environment.




“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

Pablo Picasso 
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